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Revision as of 23:32, 19 August 2023 by David Rose (talk | contribs)
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Stylised text logo MOMA

Welcome to the Museum of Moving Art

MOMA - the museum that comes to you :-)

This is an experimental project that explores the intersections between game-playing, storytelling and art-making framed in the contexts of artivism and community arts participation. Think of it as "street art with theatrical tendencies" generated by people playing together creatively. The MOMA project incorporates a broad range of digital and traditional art practices, including creative flight simulation.

Small 3D plastic model people on a shelf as a floor look at miniature pictures on a gallery wall, the words wiki moma dot art are part of a mural on the wall of the level below

Somewhat recursively, this wiki provides the conceptual framework for the project and tools for player participation, while also serving as a home for the project's online content & creative outcomes.

All of this is unpacked and broken down in a more detailed description via the "About MOMA" link.

MOMA Weekly News

By Co-ordinating Artist: Rose (aka David Freedom Rose)

  • The SIDEBAR navigation of the wiki continues to be fine tuned: an "Events" link has been added along with "Collections" replacing Digital Collection. "How you can help" has been deleted ("Donate and Gift" will suffice).
  • A new "Events" page has been added featuring our first regular event - "Tending the Story Garden" is a weekly online meeting on MOMA's Discord server to focus on collaborative storytelling - check it out!
  • Work has begun drafting an e-book "General Aviation for Serious Funsters" as part of the Creative Flight Simulation Program at MOMA. This involves developments in the Story Garden regarding recent the history of Fafifi when a School of Aviation was established at Fafifi University with a campus at Point Cook Airport (YMPC) in Australia. The writing of lessons on flying within Microsoft Flight Simulator is not only help me to improve my flight simulation skills, but is seen as a way of reaching out to the wider flight simulation community and hopefully find Simmers who might be interested in participating in MOMA.

Screenshot of a page from an aviation textbook

  • PLEASE NOTE: The news is usually updated every Tuesday. Archives of earlier weekly news stories can be found on this link here.

Participate = Play

An orange toy passenger bus sticks through a metallic hole in a yellow background of a road building machine, with an interesting symbol printed in black.

If you are keen to find out more or get involved, the best thing that you can do is explore the wiki and then reach out to Rose: Email - Phone/SMS - +61 468 948 109 or have a chat on our Discord Server

If you like "audience participation", you'll love MOMA!

The Museum of Moving Art is a street / community art project with theatrical tendencies. It takes the form of a role-playing game. The game is played face-to-face around the world at pop-up galleries on the streets and in community spaces - it is also played here online. Players can create characters for themselves & play roles such as: museum visitors, artists, curators, art scholars, bureaucrats, trustees and benefactors.

Please Note

MOMA is still in development, but you are very welcome to check out our progress (some links might not yet work or they might lead to content that is still being created). Please feel free to create an account and get involved, we'd love to have you aboard! Find out more about MOMA here

Artists from Macksville to Bellingen

We're seeking artists who live along the 358 bus route to consider contributing small works to a permanent traveling exhibition we are currently curating. We want the "358" Exhibition to celebrate the people who live here by reflecting diversity and connection, country and culture. Find out more

Computer Collaborators

Using digital technology to bring people together in community spaces is an important part of the MOMA game. Help developing this wiki would be gratefully appreciated. Skills and/of passion anyone? An iMac could find a new home and be well used by Rosie if you know where there's a free or cheap one ;-)

File:Kurt Cobain 1991 cropped.jpg

Get Started Now

Well you already have! In the first level of the MOMA Game, players take on the role of Museum Visitor - so why not step inside and take a Guided Tour?

Develop your Character

As Kurt Cobain said, "Come as you are". You don't have to develop a character to play at MOMA, you can play as yourself, but if you would like to develop a game character, click here to find out more.

Take the "Random Image" Challenge

This activity is to create a landscape image that will go on this welcome page in place of the small image above - there will be a pool of images from which one is randomly selected. (More info here.)

Creative Play

Having fun is self-care. If you're not already a child, you have an inner child, and creative play is a great way to nurture that Self. We've got a huge variety of creative activities for people of all ages. So have fun expressing yourself here at the Museum of Moving Art!
