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A modern Museum built into a cliff next to a waterfall with a ferry moored at the jetty
An AI generated rendition of the entrance to the Museum of Moving Art on the Island of Fafifi - the centre of the WikiMoma story world

DISCOVER the fictional Island of Fafifi, it's world famous Museum and the Airline that takes you there.

Use PLAYFUL CREATIVITY to explore & develop progressive social, political and environmental perspectives.

CONTRIBUTE to an evolving experimental public artwork of global proportions.


(Update by Rose)

Small 3D plastic model people on a shelf as a floor look at miniature pictures on a gallery wall, the words wiki moma dot art are part of a mural on the wall of the level below

2024 was a big year for the wikimoma project which has been in development and evolution for 4 yrs now - 2024 was the year that marked ongoing community participation in real life with events at Catalyst Social Centre and Newlands NECCHI. Also, the Discord server started rocking with the input of our first online collaborator in the Virtual Aviation 4 Serious Funsters portal - Ryan!

Although the Playful Creative events have been a great success, unfortunately I no longer have the capacity to run them as a monthly event. I hope that we can run occasional Playful Creatives from time to time at a variety of venues and look forward to talking with participants who would be able to help set them up and run them with me. There are other projects that people can participate in too.

This is a pop-up gallery of ours that is being developed in place at Newlands NECCHI instead of The Basement (which was considered unsafe). See December update below for more info on this.

The Share Chair is almost ready to roll out, it just needs a small crew to get excited about it and take it somewhere.

December, 2024

Update by: Rose
Quite a lot has been going on at WikiMoma since the last update about 3 weeks ago.

Ryan becomes a Wiki administrator

Ryan (User:Birbsayshennlo) has shown a lot of commitment to the WikiMoma project and has done a great job of tidying up our Discord Server so it made sense to make him an admin of the Wiki too. Really appreciate your passionate input Ryan - congratulations on your new role!

Building the Island of Fafifi has begun

A screen shoot of a 3-D model of an island inside an app window

Building the Island of Fafifi has begun in the digital realm. Ryan & I usually fly together in X-Plane every couple of days, and we've been adding in more production time to our online meet-ups in Discord. Ryan has been making Air Fafifi liveries for our planes the Cessna 172 and the Airbus A321 XLR, as well as starting to build a 3-D model of the Air Fafifi School of Aviation building, which will be placed on the Island of Fafifi once it has been built. All of this has inspired me to "bite the bullet" and begin the long slow process (and steep learning curve) of developing the Island as a custom scenery mod for X-Plane. See Building Fafifi in X-Plane for more details.

Character Booklets and more for the Flight Mode game

A display of Character Booklets for a table-top game, showing the front cover and some page contents

I have been documenting the developments in the Flight Mode game on its Wiki page here. We game-tested it at the last Playful Creative and there were 11 people around the table ranging from 8-80 years in age. Everyone had a really good time, even though progress through the Game Board was slow because there were so many players. Many smiles and lots of creativity!

I had originally conceived Flight Mode as a "race the clock" game, but that idea has now gone because players really enjoyed deep immersion and co-operative interaction that going slower allowed to blossom.

I have also designed and printed out draft Character Booklets to be tested at the next Playful Creative event on 15th Dec @ NECCHI Newlands Neighbourhood House.

A new Pop-up Gallery at Newlands NECCHI

At the first Playful Creative event held at NECCHI Newlands Neighbourhood House, Rose brought a trolley they had built for their studio. The idea was that it could be improved and turned into a MOMA II pop-up gallery called The Basement (because it looked very grungy/back of house). Peta started working on it, and it stayed at the Neighbourhood House for some months displaying the art that participants had made in the Playful Creative event. However, some parents were concerned that young children might climb upon it and it could fall on them - it was after all top heavy. Discussions with the Neighbourhood House staff resulted in them offering an under-used cupboard which is in the main corridor of the building and serves as a community art gallery. So Not a Cupboard was born.

A shot of the top a sideboard/cupboard with a sign on it that says "Not a Cupboard", an artists drawing mannequin and various leaflets, cards etc

Work has just begun on turning this furniture into a museum, but it will be exciting to see it grow and wonderful that MOMA as a home in a safe community space!

Want more News?

See the News_Archives for more news stories.

Hang out online @ our Discord

Screenshot of a Discord server window showing channel icons, discussion in the Story Garden channel and a list of members with their online status

  • Please Connect to Discord Now - this link is an official invitation to the Discord server.
  • It's our communication hub! It is really important to join this server if you want to be an active participant in MOMA online ;-)

A unique & ambitious Project

This wiki is the online home of the WikiMoma community arts project.
The project enables participants to experiment & explore their own creativity within a speculative fiction narrative.
It has been designed to be broad in scope and allow anyone to find a place regardless of there skill level,
or creative interests. WikiMoma aims to be as inclusive & as accessible as possible.
For a detailed description of the project, please see the About the Project page.

So what about Game Theory?

In regards to integrating game-making and playing into community arts practice, let's take a look at Game Theory. This video is super informative and inspirational. Interestingly, game theory computer models have shown that small islands of positivity spread and win over time :-)

Easter Egg not Easter Island

Work has begun on The Peopling of Fafifi ... the story of how a new society evolved on an island in the South Pacific. (co-ordinates 24°59'60.0"S 159°59'60.0"E).