Events and News
Playful Creative: upcoming events in Melbourne
We have evolved a new series of events called Playful Creative built on the Sunday Brunch idea, to be held at various venues around Melbourne's northern suburbs during the latter half of 2024. Click here to check out the Playful Creative event page.
Recent News
The 1st Playful Creative event is a roaring success!

On 21st July 2024 about 12 people attended Playful Creative - an all abilities, all ages and queer friendly social event at the Newlands Neighbourhood House. Much work (by Rose, Mack and Antonia from wikimoma and Mitch & Tony from the Neighbourhood House), had gone into planning the event as it was hoped that it could be an ongoing regular affair. Everyone had a good time and most people said they'd like to come back, others that they would like to bring someone they knew who they thought would like it. Peta even asked if we could do it at the Reservoir Neighbourhood House! So it definitely looks like a goer.
The full story here.
A Portal for Flight Simulation is born
Rose has been reworking earlier material and conceived of Virtual Aviation 4 Serious Funsters - a portal for Flight Simmers,
to enable them to fly into the fictional world of the MOMA hybrid game. See the recent developments here.
MOMA stall at Catalyst Fiesta
On the 18th May, 2024, Rose and Felix set up a "Mixed Media Making" stall at the Catalyst Fiesta fundraising event. Unfortunately our stall didn't actually raise any donations but it provided fun activities for the Fiesta attendees and half a dozen people sat down and made beautiful cards (as a consolation Rose spent up big at the garage sale and art auction ;-)
Apart from the beautiful art-making, showing up and the fun had, another good thing came out of holding this stall. It took nearly a whole day prior to pack everything - all the bits and pieces. This has spurred Rose to make another studio art kart that can be wheeled out and into a van for easy transport of mixed media materials and tools.
A lot of progress has been made:
- updating the wiki and integrating it with the Discord server
- setting up Dev Logs for each component of the MOMA Game
- Rose has been learning how to make scenery in the MSFS DevMode and
- been expanding study notes into an online course for bringing in more flight sim community members and skilling up potential collaborators in the Creative Flight Simulation area
- The online self-study course MSFS Addon Development (in the MOMA School of Arts) sees the first two modules almost done and ready for student beta testing:
- GDD-MAD-001:Prepare to Develop Addons in Microsoft Flight Simulator - GDD-MAD-002:Begin a simple scenery project in MSFS using SDK
Cafe Collab Takes Off
During the first part of 2020 the first big milestone for the whole project was achieved with the successful launch of Cafe Collab live in-person events at the Catalyst Social Centre in Coburg, Victoria, Australia.
All though only 4 people attended, the evening was enjoyed by all - they intended to come back and some will bring friends next time.
Audrey, Kurt & Rose tested Level 1 of the Fly Air Fafifi TTRPG
Emma hung out, took some photos, and asked some pertinent questions (which was really cool). Margaret popped in to say hello and see how things were going.
Rose gave a demonstration of Microsoft Flight Simulator and talked about Creative Flight Simulation and how it might work in the MOMA world. A further 3 more events were held at Catalyst and much fun was had game-testing the Flight Mode TTRPG and making art for MOMA. Different people came on different nights. It was great to have a variety of people attend an lots of input.
Archived News Stories
Here is a link to the Archived Weekly News
Add your own MOMA events here
Anyone who agrees with the aims of MOMA is welcome to set up a MOMA event and add it to this page.
Potential volunteers & co-facilitators - please connect with the crew at the Discord communication channel, email or contact +61 468 948 109.