Take the "Random Image" Challenge

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Detail of A sketch for "The Cancer of Religion" (2021) David Rose - mixed media on paper.

Random Image Screen

The image above is chosen from a particular collection but is randomly selected by the MediaWiki software that powers this website. It is the first exhibition of images from MOMA's developing Digital Collection. If you are keen to contribute an image while the Random Image Screen is being developed, please contact David Rose by email = movingmoma@protonmail.com (he is keen to manually add a few images as an example and to test the system).

There are several parts to this challenge, relating to different roles players may play:

Digital Photographers

As a long time curator, Loretta Monetta has often admired the work of hands and over the years has pondered the idea of photographing lots of different hands, doing different things, and mounting an exhibition called "Hands". However she never got around to taking those photos, instead she's now putting it out there to find keener photographers who would like to contribute to a group exhibition of photographed hands.....Hands


Have fun making an image suitable to be featured on the welcome page and then upload it (here to wikimoma.art). The 2D image can be created in any style and using any media to then be scanned into a digital file, or it can be created digitally using any software. The proportions of the image are important: the ratio needs to be 1.4142 : 1 (this is the ratio of international paper sizes like A4, A3, etc). The orientation of the image is also important (for page layout & browser-rendering purposes) - it needs to be landscape not portrait. [Further information will be added in due course.]


There are two opportunities for curators to use the random image to create an exhibition at wikimoma.art

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Wiki Developers

Could you have fun developing & deploying a stream-line interface to make the front end easy to use and be automated? This would be the first major back end project for us and could be the perfect team building exercise. David Rose is keen to get stuck into forms, categories, etc and work with experienced coders to get into guts of the wiki. Email rosiedee333@protonmail.com if you would like to take on this challenge.