The Peopling of Fafifi

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Cartoon of a floating island with a large tree showing its roots growing down under out of the floating earth.

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On opposite sides of the Planet

In 1777, in two very far away places, the same thing was happening - enough people had had enough of domineering arseholes imposing their crap! It was time for change and time for action. It was time to go. In Bali Hai, an Island group in the South Pacific - there had been unrelenting war for several decades... In London, the capital city of the ever expanding British Empire - revolution was brewing and the queers had had enough ...

Unrelenting war in Bali Hai - plundering war boats leave a burning village.

Exodus from Bali Hai

A floatilla of traditional Polynesian boats sail away from an Island

Led by Queen Namali ...

Exodus from England

A Barque (sailing ship) flying the Pirate Flag leaves the white cliffs of Dover behind

The 3-masted Barque Molly, under the command of Captain Flynt, left Dover in the spring of 1777 with 94 persons on board.


A bark sailing ship converges with a flotilla of traditional Polynesian sailing boats of various sizes approaching a tropical island

By quirk of fate the Molly and the Bali Hai flotilla converge as they approached the Island of Fafifi in favourable winds.

Two bearded men in a loving pose in candle lit Georgina room

Aboard the Molly, Xavier Fleetwood and his lover Samuel, passionately championed the argument for a peaceful approach, recounting earlier debates at Princess Cinnamon's Molly House where the conspiracy to form this exhibition began.
From all accounts on both sides, time was taken and space was given.
Eventually, Captain Flynt made the approach to the Bali Hai and he was warmly recieved.

The First Council of Fafifi

Queen Namali addresses the First Council of Fafifi at Safety Bay in 1777

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