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Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:24 Jargon question: Is a Template that looks like an Infobox, but has static content, called something else other than an Infobox?

Izno — Today at 12:25 Static?

Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:36 Yes, just a static text, not calling parameters. I just want to make as simple Template containing text, but formatted so it looks like an Infobox, same size, colours, etc [12:38] Wanting advice on page layout and templates. Newbie (old HTML hack, no usable PHP or CSS skills yet - though I understand the basic theory of how the fit into the overall system). At https://wikimoma.art/wiki/Welcome_to_MOMA I want to set up a STANDARD LAYOUT for most pages and keep the Foreground skin look.

My idea is to have a wide slot about the width of the image in the example here, and a slot to the right for Infobox type templates (these will be static at first as I am having information overload - dynamic templates can come later after I master static ones).

How to go about this? Do I create cells in the content page and make a narrow one to the right, then call a template into the cell?(edited) [12:40] Is the Template layout code inside the Template itself?

Izno — Today at 12:46 A) I can't tell how you think you want it to look because Miraheze has a mobile skin. [12:46] (Aside, you should probably ask for help on their Discord.) [12:47] B) An infobox without parameters remains an infobox, it's simply seen as a dumb template that should rather exist in the article directly. [12:52] C) Since you're using the word "cell", don't use tables for layout. (I don't know what yoir intention was and the current source gives me no indication you planned such.)

Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:53 @Izno Thanks for the advice, but if i want the text to be in more than one article it should be a template

Izno — Today at 12:54 D) Trying to control an entire page's content layout isn't really a wiki thing. You can do it, but the software will fight you the whole way there.(edited)

Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:54 mmmmm. okzy

@Rosie MOMA @Izno Thanks for the advice, but if i want the text to be in more than one article it should be a template

Izno — Today at 12:54 What kind of text is it though?

Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:54 An announcement, or announcments, page(s) specific - not sitewide(edited)

Izno — Today at 12:56 So those are generally called navboxes. More specifically in context, it sounds like you'd use the "sidebar" aka "vertical navbox" variant, though I'm sure there are some wikis with more specialization on the point, e.g. an "announcebox" of some sort.

Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:57 you are helping a lot, appreciate it @Izno

Izno — Today at 12:57 But, maybe I misunderstand. What is going in the announcement?

Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:58 a call for submissions for an art exhibition

Izno — Today at 12:59 You said not sitewide? [12:59] Temporary?

Rosie MOMA — Today at 12:59 yes, to put on specific pages, temporary [13:00] I am still new to this and maybe haven't quite wrapped my head around the wiki engine mechanisms enough

Izno — Today at 13:00 So I guess that would be something like en:Template:Current event. I would call that an "ambox" I think, short for article message box.(edited)

WikiBot BOT

— Today at 13:00

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Current_event

Rosie MOMA — Today at 13:01 cool - thanks

Izno — Today at 13:02 (You don't have to do something so involved as the way Wikipedia does such things.)

Rosie MOMA — Today at 13:03 It is quite bit and complex [13:03] there are many ways to skin a cat (or a wiki)

Izno — Today at 13:05 A simple <div class="ambox announcement <name>-announcement"> Lorem ipsum

Would do fine. [13:05] Though you might consider making a basic meta template for all announcements where you can put all the common stuff.

Rosie MOMA — Today at 13:08 Fantastic [13:10] Does <div class="ambox announcement <name>-announcement"> tell Mediawiki to render the box a certain size and place it to float right of the main content,for example?

Izno — Today at 13:11 I.e., some Template:Announcement with content like


With some specific announcement's Template:<name> announcement looking like Template:Announcement (edited)

@Rosie MOMA Does <div class="ambox announcement <name>-announcement"> tell Mediawiki to render the box a certain size and place it to float right of the main content,for example?

Izno — Today at 13:12 No, it would not do that. You would need to supply CSS. I think Miraheze supports TemplateStyles, so you will want to look at Help:TemplateStyles.

WikiBot BOT

— Today at 13:12

Link: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:TemplateStyles

Rosie MOMA — Today at 13:13 Great. I will get stuck into that after I have had a rest. Thank you @Izno

Izno — Today at 13:13 You probably want #wiki-markup for the future.

Rosie MOMA — Today at 13:14 sweet