MOMA School of Arts

Revision as of 01:06, 28 September 2023 by David Rose (talk | contribs) (Game Design and Development - Learn Online Now)
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Welcome to the MOMA School of Arts Portal

In real life: the MOMA School of Art is a semi-formal learning environment organized around the principles of online peer-learning and skill-sharing. There's a famous old saying that says "the best way to learn is to teach".

This part of the MOMA wiki provides a range of resources and opportunities for you to research, learn and teach as you participate in creating great art and fun games at MOMA.

In the Story Garden: MOMA formed a partnership with The University of Oceania (TUO) in .... [chronology] ... to establish a new school within the University called The MOMA School of Arts. The proposal came forward as the MOMA Board of Trustees was in the process of designing the current museum building atop the cliffs overlooking Safety Bay. A whole level of the new Museum building was dedicated as university campus to house lecture theaters, classrooms, study areas and faculty offices.

Game Design and Development - Learn Online Now

This links to our Game Design and Development learning Modules currently under active development :-)

We'll do more work on the rest of the School once this course is strong and stable enough.

Learn and Teach Art & Design

If you are really passionate about any particular skill area or creative pursuit, we'd love it if you shared your process with us here at the MOMA School of Art. Also if you are keen to see something here to help you learn, please reach out in the Discord Server and let us know.

Ideas for the Future

Full courses at the (fictional) University of Oceania like

  • Bachelor of Art & Design
  • Advanced Diploma of Game Design & Development

Professors, students, graduation ceremonies in the game...