Flying Art

Revision as of 06:51, 6 April 2022 by David Rose (talk | contribs) (How to play: Level 1)
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This article is becoming the Game Development Document (GDD) for the Flying Art table-top physical game.

This document is currently an incomplete first draft.

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Working Title: Flying Art

Tagline: Make, Play, Share!

Description: A multi-level 'race the clock' board game that incorporates quizzing, art-making and story-telling.

History: This game has arisen as a project out of the evolving MOMA mega project. It came about as an assignment in the Game Design class in Certificate IV in Information Technology (Game Dev), a course being undertaken by David Rose as professional development for his work at MOMA. Collaborating in the development of this project is fellow NSWTAFE student Ashton.

The Wiki: is a great resource for players, developers, modders and fans.

Suitability of Form

A table top game is a perfect form for MOMA game, as it can easily embody the three intersecting primary design elements of the MOMA project; namely

  • Real life face-to-face participation
  • Fantasy and story-telling
  • The Digital Realm

A game board would be good, the mechanics of moving pieces on a board can emulate the travelling elements in the story that forms the basis of the game. Cards are visual tactile and highly extensible, as we are dealing with the visual arts, I suggest we use them too. Also papers/books as they are good for story telling and laying out symbolic and linguistic ideas.


The game is suitable for humans aged 10+


Players need basic literacy and numeracy skills. In addition to the game box (alternatively a downloaded Game Stater Pack which let's people make up their own game box), the following is required:

  • 1 table to sit around
  • basic student quality art supplies such as paints, markers, glue, scissors, pencils, collage material such magazines, cut out images, wrapping paper, etc
  • the Game Master requires a stop watch (mobile phone will do), and while it is anticipated that this person will already be something of an 'artist' - it is not a pre-requisite. They do need to do the preparation though and organize the other players to attend the game session (in other words be an organiser)


What we describe here is the base game, built into its design is the capacity for it to extend and be modded.

MOMA's motto: Make, Play, Share.


This race the clock game is genre-defying. Flying Art is co-operative & narrative based, incorporating role-playing, quizzing, intellectual challenges, chance and story-telling.

Story World

Gameplay fits in to the following narrative:

The south pacific island nation state of Fafifi is small in size but big in character. The mainstays of the nations's economy is permaculture (agriculture), education, aviation and tourism.

The Museum of Moving Art (MOMA) is a major employer and every month it hosts a new travelling exhibition from one of the major Art institutions from around the world - such as The Guggenheim in New York or the Louvre in Paris, even Australia's Museum of Old & New Art (MONA) in Tasmania. All except for three months when Patonga hosts it's own exhibitions and then ships them out onto the world art museum circuit.

The biggest show of the year (in which the Island is absolutely full to capacity with overseas visitors) is the month of the Fafifi Internationali - that is when our game is set.

At the centre of the Festival is the coveted Fafifi International Arts Prize, which not only looks great on your resume but is worth $100,000 USD. Thousands of emerging artists from around the world pay $1,000 each to enter the competition: 25 are selected as Festival Winners and from them emerges one Arts Prize winner. The most valuable prize for the artists though is the kudos and the exposure, for the Fafifi Internationali (Exhibition) does a two year circuit of 20 major international art galleries and museums (at the end of which most of the works are auctioned off to wealthy art collectors at Christies in London - the proceeds being used to help fund the competition).

The Festival Winners (every artist who gets chosen to exhibit their work) each receive: a silver medal, an all expenses paid 3 week trip to Fafifi for the Internationali festival (airfare, accommodation, etc) and VIP Access to the full program of Festival Events. Selected artists give workshops during the festival

The Art Prize Winner receives a gold medal and $100,000 in cash in addition to the above mentioned benefits.

What Cannes is to the film industry, Patonga is to the art world, and more!

The aims of the game

Base Game: The players work together as a team to get the Royal Patonga flight, which is carrying the last remaining artists and their artwork, safely to the island in time for the Museum's exhibition setup deadline.

Future Levels: Explore and develop new adventures in the World of Art fantasy space. Enrichen and theatricalize gameplay by use of costume and props. Discover deeper levels of the story world; add new (and develop existing) story arcs through further gameplay as you become more familiar with the game space; broaden out and connect into the other dimensions of MOMA like the flight simulator space or pop-up real-life galleries. Play with a variety your favourite characters as the mood fits.


This draft is focussed on describing the Base Game, which is designed to be played by 5 players for 20 minutes - it is race the clock (though it could be played by 3 players and take longer if all players agree). Ideally World of Art would be played in a complete Set of 5 games (Level 1). These could be played in one long session or spread over several sessions. Players could substitute for other players as long as all roles are filled in the game.

The Sets are turn-taking, each player should have one turn at each of the 5 roles in the game (in other words, play a different role in each game).

The Base Game would work on it's own with no further progression as it reaches a conclusion at the end of play. If successful it would motivate players to continue to the next level or to extend/modify the Base Game into Spin-off Versions (all are allowed and encouraged).

The 5 Roles

One predefined character:

  • Loretta Monetta, MOMA Curator-in-Chief (Game Master)

Four characters created by players during gameplay:

  • Competing Artist
  • Artist's Assistant
  • Pilot
  • Flight Attendant

In the 2nd Game of a Set players can choose to either (1) create a new character for the role they have been given (of the 4 listed above), or (2) develop one of the existing characters. However, in Games 3-5 players must further develop the characters they have been assigned for that game and add to that character's story arc.

The Start-up Pack

  • 1 X large sturdy brown paper shopping bag
  • 1 X cardboard shoe box
  • 1 X small carboard box
  • 1 X passenger jetliner (A32-NX)
  • 1 X cargo container
  • 2 X pieces of thick board
  • 2 X playing board cover sheets
  • 1 X dice
  • 6 X Manilla folders containing master sheets of gameplay pages

The first Loretta Monetta to use any particular pack makes up the playing board and photocopies/prints out the gameplay pages before the start of the game (they will also be available to download from The decorating of the bag and boxes is part of the gameplay at more advanced levels (a kind of Easter egg) and relates to an exhibition called 'Bags, Books and Boxes' in the unfolding backstory of MOMA.

Preparation & Setting Up: Level 1

The game is hosted at a location determined by the Level 1 Gamemaster playing the character Loretta Monetta. They need to prepare the space and set out all the materials in place, and put the Game Sheets in correct and tidy order ready for gameplay to start.

How to play: Level 1

  • The players arrive at the host location which has already been set up by Loretta Monetta as described above. Meet, greet & socialize.
  • When it is time to start, Loretta calls players to their seats at the table and reads from her Flying Art: Level 1 - Game Master's Play Book, which outlines to the other players what the objectives are and how the game will proceed.
  • After this introduction Loretta hands out the appropriate Gameplay Sheets to each of the other players: (1) Artist Gameplay Sheet (2) Passenger Gameplay Sheet (3) Pilot Gameplay Sheet and (4) Flight Attendant Gameplay Sheet
  • These sheets are divided into sections and guide the players through the play at each stage of the game.
  • Stage 1: (3 mins)
  • Stage 2: Be Your Character (12 mins)
  • Stage 3: Fly to Fafifi(5 mins)

1. Create a Character

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2. Be your Character

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3. Fly to Fafifi

This timed section lasts for 10 minutes. To win the game, the plane arrives carrying all four characters arrives on time - before the 10 minutes ends.
