David Freedom Rose

Revision as of 01:48, 9 October 2023 by David Rose (talk | contribs) (Introduction)
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David Freedom Rose was born in Doncaster, Yorkshire, England in 1959 and emigrated to Australia as a 10 yr old child with his family. He is the Founding & Co-Ordinating Artist of the wikimoma.art community arts project. Rose has long worked in the community arts, starting in 1973 at the age of 14 when he organized the village kids to come together to put on a show at the Stoneville Hall outside of Perth, Western Australia. They raised $25 (which was a lot of money back then) - the money was donated to the local branch of the Red Cross.

Photographic portrait of David Freedom Rose in a purple beret, blue neck scarf, white dress shirt with red and bejeweled Pakistani vest

Formerly, Rose has described himself variously as an Inter-disciplinary Arts Practitioner, a Community Arts Worker, a Therapeutic Artist and a New Media Artist... equally - a bodger, tinker, faffa, jack-of-all-trades-master-of-(mmmm... really?)-none.


My family and friends, All Women Everywhere, Edward Snowden, Isabel Coe, Oscar Wilde, Dr Martin Luther King,Julian Assange,Everyone who has tried to make something beautiful. I am not going to list too many artists coz I love them all.... but, Lorri Marie Jenkins, Regan Tamanui, Jean Cocteau, Hilde Morin ...."




Blah blah