Current Projects
Table Top Game
Developing a face-to-face table top game around aviation and art. Click The_World_of_Art - this wiki
Another ongoing and vital project for the Museum is the development and maintenance of this wiki (website). We need volunteers with web application server skills (or those willing to learn MediaWiki). Please contact David Rose rosiedee333@protonmail (RosieMOMA on the Discord chat server) if you would like to help.
General Video Production
MOMA has a YouTube Channel to present videos about the Museum and how it functions, as well as movies buy exhibiting artists. Please contact David Rose rosiedee333@protonmail (RosieMOMA on the Discord chat server) if you would like to help with video production or exhibit moving image content you have made or are curating.
Start a new project
If you have joined this website, you can edit this page to add your current MOMA project to the list.