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Chronology of What?[edit | edit source]

This page is a chronology of events in the MOMA fictional story world.

How to Edit this Page[edit | edit source]

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  • click the edit tab above
  • copy the Entry Format section below
  • paste it in between relevant dates in the Chronological List of Events below
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Entry Format[edit | edit source]

##th Monthy, ####: This is where you put your text about the event.

Example Entry[edit | edit source]

10th March, 1959: Loretta Monetta was born at day break aboard the Fafifian merchant ship "Pride of the Pacific" as it approached the port of Safety Bay in Fafifi (in transit from Port Moresby, PNG).

Chronological List of Events[edit | edit source]

21st July, 1722: The merchant vessel "Mary Molly" set sail from Southampton, England with 72 souls on board headed for the Pacific Ocean to establish an independent free settlement on the Island of Fafifi.

10th March, 1959: Loretta Monetta was born at day break aboard the Fafifian merchant ship "Pride of the Pacific" as it approached the Port of Safety Bay in Fafifi (in transit from Port Moresby, PNG).

5th November, 1995: On the Island of Fafifi the redevelopment of the airstrip had been completed and the "Ameila Earhart International Airport" was formerly opened by Queen Frangipani II of Fafifi together with HRH Princess Margaret of Great Britain.