Welcome to MOMA

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Welcome to the Museum of Moving Art - the museum that comes to you.

MOMA is a set of creative role-playing games framed in the context of community arts participation. Think of it as street art with theatrical tendencies generated by people playing together creatively. There's a more detailed description via the "About MOMA" link .

Small 3D plastic model people on a shelf as a floor look at miniature pictures on a gallery wall, the words wiki moma dot art are part of a mural on the wall of the level below

MOMA Weekly News

By David Freedom Rose (Rose)

  • The task of creating the small decorative gallery that sits front & top of the Share Chair pop-up gallery has lead down a tangential rabbit-hole of photography, cameras and printers (read a lot of technical learning). I have acquired a new 2nd-hand camera (Nikon D3100) and an inkjet printer with built in scanner (ET-2810) that has re-fillable ink tanks. The latter was needed essentially to print out quality photographs for the miniature gallery and the camera because I have become increasingly interested in taking photographs and my mobile phone camera just wasn't good enough.
  • I have been taking lots of photos around where I live, Coburg in Victoria, Australia. These will be included in later shows at the Share Chair pop-up gallery. I have also acquired a heat press as I want to get into dye sublimation printing onto T-shirts, mugs, etc for promotion but also for exhibition pieces.
  • The other important things that have been happening are networking and writing. I have been attending the Messy Kittens Craft Corner at

Participate = Play

An orange toy passenger bus sticks through a metallic hole in a yellow background of a road building machine, with an interesting symbol printed in black.

If you are keen to get involved the best thing you can do is reach out to Rose: Email - movingmoma@protonmail.com Phone/SMS - +61 468 948 109 or have a chat on our Discord Server