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The FOLLOWING LIST archives the Weekly News items, they are listed in reverse chronological order (newest at the top going down to oldest at the bottom).

November 2024

3D Modelling for the Island of Fafifi has begun!

3D model of the Air Fafifi Flight School early draft
3D model of the Air Fafifi Flight School early draft

What a momentous occasion! Ryan (@Birb) has started modelling the Building for the Air Fafifi School of Aviation. Rose has begun backing work for this part of the project on the Wiki and also is reaching out to the creator of a fictional island in X-Plane for tips on how to get started.

Collaborators fly in, board game takes off

As a result of the Playful Creative events held last term at Newlands Neighbourhood House, new people have got involved in moving the whole wikimoma project forward. Phil and Unty Rose have had a few sessions working on the game mechanics in relation to character and story development in the Fly Air Fafifi board game. Peta has begun developing The Basement pop-up gallery structure, while Hannah and Tessa have offered to help with transport and setting up for Playful Creative. Term 4 for Playful Creative is looking really exciting with plans to involve the broader Newlands community by placing The Basement in the Lounge area and providing opportunities for community members to contribute artworks to a developing exhibition in the structure.

Ryan (@Birb), an avid flight simmer and school student in Tasmania, met Unty Rose on Discord testing out a new Shared Flight mod for X-Plane which allows Virtual Pilots to share a cockpit and fly together as co-pilots. Ryan became interested in the wikimoma project, particularly the new Virtual Aviation 4 Serious Funsters portal. He has been collaborating with Rose - teaching the Sim and how to fly, developing videos for the Flight Mode game, and exploring the potential for the School of Aviation in the Moma Game. Ryan's ambition IRL is to become a Certified Flight Instructor.

A Portal for Flight Simulation is born

The Scrapyard Monster - A fictional aircraft constructed from an improbable mix of random objects found in a scrapyard. Visual 3D poetry made by add-on developer "Flying Frites"

Rose has been reworking earlier material and conceived of Virtual Aviation 4 Serious Funsters - a portal for Flight Simmers,
to enable them to fly into the fictional world of the MOMA hybrid game. See the recent developments here.

The 1st 'Playful Creative' event is a roaring success!

People sit at tables in a well lit room making arts and crafts while a hooded child fossicks in tool box

About 12 people attended an all abilities, all ages and queer friendly social event at the Newlands Neighbourhood House on 21st July. The full story here.

Week ending Tuesday 12nd August 2023

18th September, 2023 By Co-ordinating Artist: Rose (aka David Freedom Rose)

  • Updated hardware to a new Asus A15 gaming laptop with a NVIDIA RX 4070 GPU
  • Research & Development of MSFS Addons
  1. Networking - Rose joined Flying Frites community (makers of the Scrapyard Monster addon) on Discord, received encouragement & support to start creating the Island of Fafifi and its airport in the Sim.
  2. Downloaded the SDK and default assets
  3. Studying the recommended tutorial MSFS SDK Airport TUTORIAL - LIDL- EPISODE 1 by Federico Pinotti in preparation to begin the build

By Co-ordinating Artist: Rose (aka David Freedom Rose)

  • The SIDEBAR navigation of the wiki continues to be fine tuned: an "Events" link has been added along with "Collections" replacing Digital Collection. "How you can help" has been deleted ("Donate and Gift" will suffice).
  • A new "Events" page has been added featuring our first regular event - "Tending the Story Garden" is a weekly online meeting on MOMA's Discord server to focus on collaborative storytelling - check it out!
  • Work has begun drafting an e-book "General Aviation for Serious Funsters" as part of the Creative Flight Simulation Program at MOMA. This involves developments in the Story Garden regarding recent the history of Fafifi when a School of Aviation was established at Fafifi University with a campus at Point Cook Airport (YMPC) in Australia. The writing of lessons on flying within Microsoft Flight Simulator is not only help me to improve my flight simulation skills, but is seen as a way of reaching out to the wider flight simulation community and hopefully find Simmers who might be interested in participating in MOMA.

Screenshot of a page from an aviation textbook

Week ending Thursday 17th August 2023

  • The SIDEBAR navigation of the wiki has been fine tuned to be more streamline and reflect the growing focus and direction of the project.
  • The Messy Kittens Crafting Corner gatherings at the Catalyst Social Centre have continued to be fruitful with quiet a bit of interest being shown in MOMA. Last week we discussed becoming formalized as a collective and applying to join the Catalyst federation. This would allow for MOMA to apply to become one of the projects run from there and to input into decisions about the whole space (storage for example). It would also allow more people there to find out about MOMA and get involved. It is the kind of thing that many of the Catalyst community would be interested in.
  • No much creative writing has been done this last week but some faffing around with content artworks has occured.

Week ending Tues 8th Aug 2023

By Co-ordinating Artist: Rose (aka David Freedom Rose)

Small 3D plastic model people on a shelf as a floor look at miniature pictures on a gallery wall, the words wiki moma dot art are part of a mural on the wall of the level below

  • The task of creating the small decorative gallery that sits front & top of the Share Chair pop-up gallery has lead down a tangential rabbit-hole of photography, cameras and printers (read a lot of technical learning). I have acquired a new 2nd-hand camera (Nikon D3100) and an inkjet printer with built-in scanner (ET-2810) that has re-fillable ink tanks. The latter was needed essentially to print out quality photographs for the miniature gallery and the camera because I have become increasingly interested in taking photographs and my mobile phone camera just wasn't good enough.
  • I have been taking lots of photos around where I live, Coburg in Victoria, Australia. These will be included in later shows at the Share Chair pop-up gallery. I have also acquired a heat press as I want to get into dye sublimation printing onto T-shirts, mugs, etc for promotion but also for exhibition pieces. Other ideas for shows at the Museum are also taking shape.
  • The other important things that have been happening are networking and writing. I have been attending the weekly Messy Kittens Crafting Corner gatherings at the Catalyst Social Centre. This has been very good for my health and wellbeing. I have met some lovely people @ Messy Kittens who have encouraged me to bring MOMA to Catalyst (expect more developments in that direction very soon). Will and I have had a collaboration session around writing which has led to work revamping the Story Garden as the background fantasy narrative in which the Museum exists begins to really take shape. There is a fuller report in the #story-garden channel at our Discord Server.

Pre 1st Aug 2023

Work on the main structural aspects of the "MOMA II Share Chair" pop-up gallery is now complete and all that remains to be done are the finishing touches - the decorative miniature art gallery at the front of the piece and fittings to secure the rear door (which also functions as a display surface when propped open). The Share Chair has been made from wheelchair sides attached to a custom-built box, which will house the portable art exhibitions. The beauty of wheelchairs is that they are designed to be highly maneuverable and carry heavy weights. This gallery will be able to go wherever wheelchairs can go, including on public transportation. (More details here.)
PLEASE NOTE: this is the first news item that sat on the wiki welcome page for most of the southern winter of 2023.