Getting Started in the ToLiss Airbus (X-Plane 12)

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Cartoon character of a construction worker in a yellow hard-hat waving a yellow flag - they appear to be a non-binary person of colour

This article is an incomplete 1st draft, it contains evolving study note. This page will evolve into a complete course.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this page is being adapted from the FBW A320/MSFS 2020 version.

Work very much in progress

Rose is developing a self-learning Module for the ToLiss A321 X-Plane aircraft mod. If you want to help develop or need help learning, make contact in our Discord Server - this link is an official invitation to the Discord server. There we can:

  • text chat
  • voice chat (with video option)
  • share links
  • upload screenshots and other media files
  • socialize and support each other with the work and play of MOMA

You can access our server channels via your browser, or you can download the free Discord app (there are versions for Linux, Mac & Windows, and also your mobile phone). This link will give you these options and then connect you directly to our wikimoma chat server.

SIM Operating Procedures

(not Standard Operating Procedures)
We're going to set up a flight as per the plan below, and base our Sim procedures on the information provided in the various video included in the content below.

Screenshot of Navigraph chart map showing the flight route from Avalon and looping back

Watch a Video

Toliss X Plane 11 Airbus A321 REAL Airbus Pilot Cold and Dark setup! By Jonathan Beckett 320 Sim Pilot is a real world Airline pilot with thousands of hours flying the real aircraft who thought it would be fun to have a look at the detailed simulations of airliners in MSFS and X Plane. They are really good at explaning and showing stuff, and there's no hype ;-) Worth a look and a subscribe.

Spawn in at Avalon

In the FBW A32NX:

  • spawn in at YMAV - Gate 4
  • Multiplayer ...... OFF
  • Air Traffic ...... OFF
  • Weather & Time ... PRESET (clear skies & daylight)

Create a SimBrief Flight Plan




Set Up the Sim

  • Ctrl + 0 (the Tablet/Electronic Flight Bag view)

do another screenhsot with adjusted setting especially steering

FBW_A32N Tablet Settings Realism - the desired settings are shown

  • Click on screen (Tablet turns on)
  • Tablet: Settings / Realism / ADIRS align time ....... Instant (good for sim efficiency - not real world)
  • Tablet: Settings / Realism / DMC Self Test Time ....... Instant
  • Tablet: Settings / Realism / Boarding Time ....... Instant (good for sim efficiency - not real world)
  • Tablet: Settings / Realism / Separate Tiller from Rudder Inputs ....... Instant (see

Configure the Cockpit

Airbus A320 family cockpit dashboard with labels of components

  • The cockpit will be cold and dark when you spawn in at a parking bay

Button Lights

  • There is a technical convention in the Airbus fly by wire system that "Dark is good", meaning that no lights within a switch means it is "on".

Overhead Panel (OHP)

  1. Ctrl + 8 (the Overhead Panel view)
  2. Battery 1 & 2 ....................... On (Audio chimes for change in power source)
  3. Ext Pwr ............................. On (Button lights green)
  4. Strobes ............................. Auto (Switch)
  5. Nav & Logo .......................... 2 (Lights)
  6. APU Master .......................... On
  7. APU Start ........................... On
  8. Crew Air Supply ..................... On
  9. Emergency Lights .................... Arm
  10. No Smoking .......................... Auto
  11. ADIRS ............................... Nav (all three switches)
  12. Dome ................................ Bright
  13. OVHD INTEG LT ....................... Adjust

Cockpit Lighting

A32N Autopilot Control Panel showing the console lighting knobs highlighted in red

  • OHP: Ctrl + 1 (the PFD Pilot's view)
  • OHP: PFD ................................... Adjust (turn knob to adjust brightness of screen)
  • OHP: ND .................................... Adjust (turn knob to adjust brightness of screen)
  • OHP: Console/Floor ......................... As required (flick switch to adjust lighting)
  • Ctrl + 2 (the Autopilot Control Panel view)
  • Autopilot Control Panel: Left Instrument Backlight Knob ........ Adjust (background density)
  • Autopilot Control Panel: Right Instrument Backlight Knob ....... Adjust (lettering brightness)
  • Ctrl + 4 (the Lower ECAM/Switching view)
  • ECAM ................................. Adjust (turn knob to adjust brightness of Upper ECAM screen)

  • Lower Display ....................... Adjust (turn knob to adjust brightness of Lower ECAM screen)
  • MCDU Brit/Dim ....................... Adjust (rocker switch on upper right corner of keypad)

Lower ECAM view of FBW A32N cockpit, lighting knobs shown highlighted in red

Load Flight Plan

  1. Ctrl + 0 (the Tablet/Electronic Flight Bag view)
  • Your Flight / Import SimBrief Data .... Click (Imports the last FPL you generated at SimBrief website - if you have previously entered your credentials into the FBW Tablet)

MCDU Setup

FBW A32N cockpit view of MCDU with FMGC button highlighted in red

  • Ctrl + 5 (the MCDU view)
  • MCDU: MCDU menu ................ FMGC (press the soft key to the left of the screen)
  • MCDU: FMGC menu ................ CLR (press the hard bottom right of the keypad - this clears the "GPS Primary" notification)
  • MCDU: INIT menu ................ INIT REQUEST* (Screen populates with data from SimBrief FPL)
  • MCDU: INIT menu ................ WIND/TEMP
  • MCDU: CLIMB WIND menu ................ CLR (Clear AOC Uplink notification)
  • MCDU CLIMB WIND menu ................ RETURN (Goes back to INIT menu)
  • MCDU: INIT menu ................ Select --> (The right facing arrow on the keypad takes you to the INIT B menu - titled INIT FUEL PREDICTION)
  • MCDU: INIT menu / FUEL PRED ................ ZFW/ZFWCG (Data from the FPL populates the field at the bottom of the MCDU screen)
  • MCDU: INIT menu / FUEL PRED ............. ZFW/ZFWCG (Pressing the button a second time enters the data into the ZFW/ZFWCG field)

Fuel the Aircraft

FBW A32N Tablet page showing fuel loading options highlighted in red

  • Ctrl + 0 (the Tablet/Electronic Flight Bag view)
  • EFB: / GROUND menu / FUEL tab ............. Load from SimBrief (Pressing the button fetches the BLOCK FUEL data from FPL)
  • EFB: / GROUND menu / FUEL tab ............. Play Arrow (Loads that amount of fuel into the tanks)

Note the amount of fuel loaded and enter it into the MCDU

  • Ctrl + 5 (the MCDU view)
  • MCDU: INIT menu / FUEL PRED ............. ZFW/ZFWCG (Pressing the button a second time enters the data into the ZFW/ZFWCG field)
  • MCDU: Keypad ..................... Enter - Value In this example it should be around 4500
  • MCDU: INIT menu / FUEL PRED ............. BLOCK The loaded fuel value is entered

Load the Aircraft

  • Ctrl + 0 (the Tablet/Electronic Flight Bag view)
  • EFB: / GROUND menu / PAYLOAD tab ............. Load from SimBrief button (Tall blue button - loads passengers, cargo and luggage according to F-PLN)
  • EFB: / GROUND menu / PAYLOAD tab ............. Begin Boarding button (Looks like Left & Right arrows)

Finalize the Flight Plan

If you check on the SimBrief website you'll see that we are departing and arriving back at Avalon Airport (YMAV) on runway 18.

  • Ctrl + 5 (the MCDU view)
  • MCDU: / F-PLN menu ................ YMAV (press the soft key to the left of the Departure airport at top of screen)
  • MCDU: / F-PLN menu ................ DEPARTURE
  • MCDU: / F-PLN / DEPARTURE from YMAV menu .... <- 18
  • MCDU: / F-PLN / DEPARTURE from YMAV menu .... INSERT
  • MCDU: / F-PLN menu ................ YMAV (press the soft key to the left of the Destination airport at bottom of screen)
  • MCDU: / F-PLN menu / LAT REV from YMAV .... ARRIVAL
  • MCDU: / F-PLN menu / ARRIVAL to YMAV .... ILS18-Z
  • MCDU: / F-PLN menu / ARRIVAL to YMAV .... INSERT*
  • MCDU: / F-PLN menu / ARRIVAL to YMAV .... RETURN
  • Ctrl + 2 (the Auto-pilot Control Panel view)
  • Auto-pilot Control Panel: ND Selector knob ................ PLAN
  • Auto-pilot Control Panel: ND Range knob ................ 80

Triangular shaped flight plan on the Navigation Display in the A32N

Configure the Take-off PERFORMANCE Data

  • Ctrl + 5 (the MCDU view)
  • MCDU: Keypad ..................... 1/ We will use Flaps 1 for this Take-off. (NOTE: the THC trim value is redundant in this situation- leave empty)
  • MCDU: PERF menu / FLAPS/THS softkey.... Press The Keypad values will be entered into the data field
  • MCDU: Keypad ..................... 1OOOO The value for our Transition Altitude at YMAV
  • MCDU: / PERF menu / FLAPS/TRANS ALT softkey.... Press

Based on the data we have just entered the aircraft can calculate the necessary Take-off Performance speeds for this departure based on its weight, wind data (from SimBrief data import) and what flaps we will use.

  • MCDU: / PERF menu / V1 softkey.... Press (Twice) The first press will fetch the take-off Decision Speed data to the Keypad Data Entry Field, and the second press will enter the value into the Softkey slot. (The speed beyond which takeoff should no longer be aborted.)
  • MCDU: / PERF menu / VR softkey.... Press (Twice) (Rotation speed. The speed at which the pilot begins to apply control inputs to cause the aircraft nose to pitch up, after which it will leave the ground)
  • MCDU: / PERF menu / V2 softkey.... Press (Twice) (Takeoff safety speed. The speed at which the aircraft may safely climb with one engine inoperative.)


FBW A32N Tablet - YMAV - Your Flight Screen showing current QNH

Find current QNH on EFB
(The keyboard shortcut = B does NOT work in this aircraft)

  • Ctrl + 2 (the Auto-pilot Control Panel view)
  • Auto-pilot Control Panel: Altimeter knob ............. Adjust

Airbus MANAGED and SELECT auto-pilot modes

In the simulated aircraft:

  • clicking on the top half of an FCU knob is the same as pushing it
  • clicking on the bottom half of an FCU knob is the same as pulling it

In regards to the FCU knobs for SPEED, HEADING and ALTITUDE:

  • pushing in an FCU knob, places it in the Managed mode
  • pulling out an FCU knob, places it in the Select mode

MANAGED mode means the MCDU will manage the flight parameters according to programing of the flight computers and information that has been loaded into the MCDU

An orange dot next to a display read-out indicates that the parameter is in MANAGE mode.

SELECT means the aircraft will adjust to specific flight parameter that the pilot has selected with that particular knob

No orange dot next to a display read-out indicates that the parameter is in SELECT mode.

  • Ctrl + 2 (the Auto-pilot Control Panel view)
  • Auto-pilot Control Panel: Altitude knob ............. Adjust Set initial climb altitude

Pushback & Start

A32N Before Start Checklist screenshot

A32N After Start Checklist screenshot


A32B Before Take-off Checklist screenshot


A32N After Take-off Checklist screenshot

Takeoff briefing at 5:05
Actual Take off at 8:07

15 degrees attitude

At green speed

  • Flaps ....................... Retract

AP at 250 knots and on course

Taxi & Rnwy Turnoff Lights

At FL10

  • Landing lights ............. OFF
  • Seatbelt Signs ............. OFF

Descent and Approach

A32N Approach-Descent Checklist screenshot


Flare Law

  • Activation of Flare Mode automatically occurs at 50'AGL. This freezes the attitude of the aircraft and sees a direct Sidestick-to-Elevator control (which means no more autotrim)
  • At 30'AGL a Nose Down attitude is activated over 8 seconds - this is likely to make you want to correct it by pulling up the nose, but don't flare too soon

When & how much to flare

Exactly when to flare depends on a few factors.

  • A head-wind will tend to help lift the nose so you hardly need to flare at all with a substantial head-wind
  • A substantial tail-wind will require more back pressure and maybe earlier (around the 30-40' callout)
  • A Flaps 3 landing will have the nose pitched up higher to 5 degrees, and will require less back pressure on the side-stick to achieve a gentler flare


Perspective can influence how you percieve your altitude in relation to the runway.

  • A really wide runway will make you think that you are lower than you actually are
  • A narrower runaway tends to make you think that you are higher than you actually are

The Black-hole Effect

The Black-hole Effect is a visual effect that occurs at night when there is not much else to see other than the lit runway.

  • It can make you think that you are higher than you actually are
  • Be careful not to fly too low in order to compensate -watch the papi lights

Here is a safety article from the Airbus website A Focus on the Landing Flare

A320 Before Landing Checklist

Fuel Pumps APU Bleed

drafted up to 20.06 on video

Navigating by Instruments


You will understand VORs after watching this...

GSX & Scenery

  • Start Coutl

Research Notes


The Airbus A321XLR (Extra Long Range) is a single-aisle, narrowbody aircraft that can carry between 180 and 200 passengers

  1. The A321XLR has a maximum range of 4,700 nautical miles (8,700 kilometers), which is the highest of any narrowbody aircraft ever built
  2. The A321XLR’s range extension is made possible by the addition of a rear center fuel tank with a capacity of 12,900 liters. This tank, along with an optional additional center tank, allows the A321XLR to fly for up to 11 hours
  3. The Xtra Long Range capability of the A321XLR starts with the engine and aerodynamic improvements introduced on the A321neo. A higher Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) combined with additional fuel capacity offers the A321XLR the unique capability to fly up to 4,700nm
  4. Airbus A320 requires a runway of at least 6,000 feet (1,800 meters) in length for aircraft weights below approximately 200,000 lb (91,000 kg). Larger aircraft including widebodies will usually require at least 8,000 ft (2,400 m) at sea level 1. Please note that this information is not specific to the A320LR model, but rather to the A320 family of aircraft in general.


The A320NX is a variant of the Airbus A320 family, which is a series of narrow-body airliners developed and produced by Airbus. The A320 Annex has a maximum range of 5,740–6,940 kilometres; 3,570–4,320 miles (3,100–3,750 nmi), depending on the maximum take-off weight and the engine option12. The range can be extended to up to 4,000nm (7400km) with additional fuel tanks3. The A320 Annex is powered by either CFM56 or IAE V2500 turbofan engines, except the CFM56/ PW6000 powered A3181. The A320 Annex also features digital fly-by-wire and side-stick flight controls, as well as a versatile cabin that can accommodate 140 to 180 passengers12. The A320 Annex is one of the most successful aircraft families ever, with more than 17,900 orders and 11,100 deliveries as of October 20231.

Editing Notes

  • Remove old image for triangle route
  • Create new screenshot of ND showing new rectangular route

General Notes for a new Home

Fenix Instalation Notes

  • After installing or re-installing the Fenix mod, reinstall the Navigraph AIRAC Cycle.