Air Fafifi Flight Simulation

Revision as of 04:29, 1 September 2023 by David Rose (talk | contribs)
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Air Fafifi

Fantasy, fictional narrative, an island in the South Pacific


The idea to incorporate Flight Simulation into the MOMA project came in early 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 nightmare. Rose took up flight simming as a way to build up some online friendships and stay intellectually stimulated during lockdown. By the time of the mind-map, Rose had started an online course at TAFE NSW (Cert IV in Game Development) and work had already begun developing a board game that involved getting to an airport and flying to an island.

Scan of a journal page with lots of hand written words and shapes - a "mind map" about integrating flight simulation into the MOMA project

The image above is a digital scan of a page from Rose's journal showing a mind-map exploring the possibility of incorporating Flight Simulation into MOMA.

Discover Discord ... catch phrase .... "Get off to some flying art"

General Aviation for Serious Funsters

Work has begun drafting an e-book called "General Aviation for Serious Funsters: Learning to Fly in Microsoft Flight Simulator". This involves developments in the Story Garden regarding recent the history of Fafifi when a School of Aviation was established at Fafifi University, with a campus at Point Cook Airport (YMPC) in Australia.

Rose says, "This work came about as I started taking copious notes while I was learning to fly visual flight rules (VFR) in a light aircraft in the Sim. Writing helps me learn, as does ordering ideas. I really love writing and I thought - why not write a learning tool to help other get into Simming and also help them to learn and get ahead more quickly and more easily. I got right into it and started thinking about a virtual flight school and how that could be part of the role-playing fantasy of MOMA. I also realised it created more roles in the RPG part of the MOMA GAME - like student pilot and flight instructor ford example."

At the moment Rose is experimenting with transferring the writing of General Aviation for Serious Funsters course document to the wiki instead of writing it in MS Word. Here's a link to the trial.

A straight-friendly queer space

A straight-friendly queer space - what does that even mean? If you have not had a lived experience as part of a social minority you may find it challenging to understand why this idea might be either desirable or necessary. Let's start with those rainbow flags you see in the windows of shop, restaurants, bars, etc ......